Friday, September 4, 2009

Fun with wordz

Assignment: Pretend to think deeply in order to impress beautiful girlfriend.

Premise: The only difference between "intimate" and "intimidate" is the "id."

Let's all take a deep breath.

"No!" cries the voice from the upper rafters, "No I won't take a deep breath! What does that mean? Is it because I didn't get carded in that bar on my 21st birthday?! Explain yourself!"

Fine, let's all take a moment to spazz out.

[arms flail] Bla bla bla bla blahhhhhhh

It's good to reflect on the world from these different, somewhat contrived perspectives every once in a while. No, it doesn't matter what the root of "intimate" and "intimidate" are, actually; it doesn't matter that the premise doesn't make sense; it doesn't matter that I just happened to find a relationship between these two words that kind of makes sense; just stop.


And [arms flail] Bla bla bla bla blahahhhhhahah

The very notion of the "intimate," however one defines the parameters of the word, is that at its heart is something that is completely private and then shared with-- entrusted, really-- to another person. There is a certain, it seems, public impulse to interpret what has been written in a certain way. So let's keep it clear: without going to the limits of what is deemed "intimate," the very interactions that people have with other people are, in their own way, intimate.

A clerk asking for one's credit card is an intimate act: something that you are keeping secret from the rest of the world with barriers of wallet, pocket, purse, and things with zippers, buttons, and duct tape is suddenly given freely to the clerk. Sometimes, even out loud, over the phone. What is it about this act, this, "And how will you be paying?" question that makes the previously-held-secret not?

"WAIIIIIIIIIT!" yells another voice from high up (maybe the same one as before-- it's been a long time since he/she last spoke up). "You're so WROOOOOOOOONG! We keep the card in the wallet to PAAAAAY for stuff! OF COOOOOOOURSE we'd give it to the clerk!"

True. So since people understand that money is to be kept until it is to be used (we will equate credit cards with cash money, although the Fed and many people would not), the privacy is only an issue in the interim because of...


Thanks, Gollum, knew I could count on you.

Let's talk "intimidate" for a moment. Would it be too far out of the question to say that fear of theft could intimidate one from freely pulling out and holding a credit card?

"Well, that and it would be in poor taste!"

Ladies and gentlemen-- Gollum, a gentleman and a scholar.

So for whatever reason, the connections between the "intimate" and "intimidate" seem to be that the act of handing a stranger your CC is guided by a set of rules of what would intimidate one enough to keep the CC under lock and stylish key.

"So it WAS about my ID, wasn't it?!"


So if there was a fundamental truth about human nature to be made, I didn't find it...

...this time!

Stay tuned next week for the exciting conclusion to:

Circus Maximus, MWAH HA HA HA AHA HA HA HA H!

(The "mwah ha, etc." was not part of the title. (Nor was the comma.))

Note to self: Figure out what id is.
Note to self: Get nasal decongestant.
Note to self: Get id?
Note to self: Hee hee hee hee hee

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